239. Sliding Window Maximum

Posted on Nov 7, 2023
# O(n) time | O(k) space
def max_sliding_window(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> List[int]:
    res = []
    dq = collections.deque()
    for i, n in enumerate(nums):
        if dq and dq[0] < i - k + 1:

        while dq and nums[dq[-1]] <= n:


        if i >= k - 1:

    return res

This is a classic sliding window problem that can be efficiently solved using a deque (double-ended queue). The idea is to maintain a deque of candidates in decreasing order and to ensure that the candidates are only from the current sliding window.

Here’s the step-by-step strategy:

  1. Initialize a deque D to store indices of array elements. The deque will store indices in decreasing order of their corresponding array values.

  2. Iterate over the array:

    • Clean the deque:
      • Remove indices of elements not from the sliding window (i.e., i - k >= D.front()).
      • Remove indices of all elements smaller than the current element since they will not be needed (i.e., nums[i] >= nums[D.back()]).
    • Add the current element index to the deque.
    • If the window has reached size k, append the current max to the output, which is the element corresponding to D.front().