309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown

Posted on Nov 22, 2023
# O(n) time || O(1) space
def max_profit(self, prices: List[int]) -> int:
    buy, sell, cooldown = -prices[0], 0, 0
    for price in prices[1:]:
        _buy = max(buy, cooldown - price)
        _sell = buy + price
        _cooldown = max(cooldown, sell)

        buy, sell, cooldown = _buy, _sell, _cooldown

    return max(sell, cooldown)

For this LeetCode problem, the challenge is to find the maximum profit from buying and selling stocks with a constraint: after selling a stock, you must have a cooldown period of one day before you can buy again. To solve this problem, we can use dynamic programming, where we maintain three states at each day:

  1. Buy: The maximum profit on day i if we buy the stock on this day. This state can only be reached from the cooldown state of the previous day.
  2. Sell: The maximum profit on day i if we sell the stock on this day. This state can be reached from the buy state of the previous day.
  3. Cooldown: The maximum profit on day i if we are in the cooldown state on this day. This state can be reached either from the sell state or the cooldown state of the previous day.

Here’s how you can implement the solution:

  1. Initialize Variables:

    • buy: Initially set to -prices[0] because we spend prices[0] money to buy the stock.
    • sell: Initially set to 0, as we haven’t made any profit yet.
    • cooldown: Initially set to 0, as we haven’t sold any stock yet.
  2. Iterate Through the Array:

    • For each day, calculate the new values of buy, sell, and cooldown:
      • new_buy is the maximum of the previous buy and the cooldown from the previous day minus today’s price ( since buying costs money).
      • new_sell is the maximum of the previous sell and the buy from the previous day plus today’s price (since selling earns money).
      • new_cooldown is the maximum of the previous cooldown and the sell from the previous day.
    • Update buy, sell, and cooldown with these new values for the next iteration.
  3. Return the Maximum of sell and cooldown:

    • At the end, the maximum profit will be the maximum of the sell and cooldown states, as you can’t end with a buy.
# O(n) time || O(n) space
def max_profit_top_down(self, prices: List[int]) -> int:
    def dp(i, holding):
        if i >= len(prices):
            return 0

        if holding:
            res = max(prices[i] + dp(i + 2, False), dp(i + 1, True))
            res = max(-prices[i] + dp(i + 1, True), dp(i + 1, False))

        return res

    return dp(0, False)